Refunds/Cancellation Policy

Refunds/Cancellation Policy shall neither refund nor be liable to refund any fee/donation payment or any part thereof for any reasons whatsoever once the payment is made to

In case of excess or multiple payments due to connectivity issues or for any other reason/s there off, the excess amount paid, if any, will be refunded to the concerned account, the transaction charges will be borne by the payee, after due verification and confirmation from the bank, which may take a couple of days’ time provided the request is received with his/her transaction detail, within four working days of transaction. will not send the hard copy of money receipt to anyone who had made the payment through the online payment gateway option. However, they can download the money receipt/s using their login ID and PW, provided, the amount is credited to account and verified by the authorized person of In case of any difficulty anyone can send a request by e-mail to concerned person of, for electronic copy of money receipt.