Kindness City

Good News

Dear Friends,

We bring you the good news that we have created a platform to build Kindness City network. You are a builder of this Kindness City when you join the network and post affirmative, fact checked, inspirational good news. You may come across many kind deeds that people do that go unnoticed. You are most welcome to bring them to light here.  We hope together we can build a Kindness City that recognises and appreciates the kindness of people who are kind to one another.

It is required that you factcheck what you post here before publishing.

We would like that in this way you build a more honest and true recognition of real heroic persons who show extraordinary human spirit of kindness in the ordinary every day life events.

We salute the sacrifices of loving kindness.

Kindness City

Kindly send your kindness stories or acts of kindness which you want shared with others as Good News here to

Good Actions

God loves kindness. You and I also love kindness. Therefore this network joins us together to express our kindness towards all living beings. You are welcome to do acts of kindness and post it here. You can share and inspire others to join this Kindness City network.

Because we express our kindness, we require that you and I show restraint in posting messages of kind actions only. Kindly recognise this is one way but essential way to practice kindness.

While there are no restrictions to expressing your feelings of kindness by inviting your friends and relations to join this network called Kindness City, it is necessary that they also keep to acts of kindness.  You can also join in this network through Facebook and Twitter.

Let us all join in expressing this affirmative positive sentiment towards one another: I love kindness.