Kindness City

Kindness City is built on Kindness.

Kindness City

A kindness city is network of people who value the transformative power of kindness and through acts of kindness embrace deep humanity

Kindness Experience

Being kind is expressing your happiness. We welcome you to be part of a kindness city to help people in need in the situations they find themselves. We need more kindness in our cities, villages, homes.

We hope to create a lean team to focus on kindness. First, we want to attend to what we have already committed. After that we will be able to add other needs as they come to us. Join us by sharing your kindness experiences and what you think of it. We appreciate your joining this network.

We would like to post some informative articles on this platform. If you have informative articles that are clear and helpful and which you would like to be posted, you may email us.

We have been there for others

Though it is not widely known, we, the Jamshedpur Jesuit Society, have initiated many educational avenues in Jharkhand and in Odisha through the support of many generous and kind people, some of whom have already gone before us to their heavenly abode. That leaves us the task today to find people and create a network of kind and generous souls to inspire hope and continue educating all sections of society and continue to do so even with difficult times today in which we all are. Most children are being taught at home today by their parents and it is great. But we have been caring for poorer children in our village schools in some remote places and where parents generally do not have the ability or competence to teach their children. We aim to give continued hope to children of their childhood through our network of village schools. We need your kind help to continue to make this care for the needy available.

You can really help as a volunteer and through your leadership to reach more people who want to do an act of kindness in these times to help the needy and the victims of coronavirus lockdown and pandemic in the days to come

We Educate Kindness

As a spiritual attitude we recognize God’s kindness towards us and respond with kindness towards others as thanksgiving to experienced kindness.

We would like you to join this network and express your experience of being kind in your homes, in your neighborhoods, in your workplaces. and in your society in general.

Kindness City is also a dream of the future

We need to make our cities kindness cities by being kind and doing more kindness acts.

We all could be a little more kind. All will understand. We hope to reach everyone eventually who is kind at heart.